Abundance Quotes

Text Quotes
Grateful souls focus on the happiness and abundance present in their lives and this in turn attracts more abundance and joy towards them. (Abundance Quotes)
When we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that’s present ... we experience heaven on earth. (Abundance Quotes)
The Lord cared for us in the wilderness. May we never forget Him in times of abundance. (Abundance Quotes)
The measure of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much, but whether, as Franklin Roosevelt said, we provide enough for those who have too little. (Abundance Quotes)
Spirituality is like a thin-thin thread, that if delicately followed guides us from darkness to light; from poverty to abundance and from destruction to safety. (Abundance Quotes)
It’s ironic that those who till the soil, cultivate and harvest the fruits, vegetables, and other foods that fill your tables with abundance have nothing left for themselves. (Abundance Quotes)
The Buddha said that no true spiritual life is possible without a generous heart. . . . Generosity allies itself with an inner feeling of abundance - the feeling that we have enough to share. (Abundance Quotes)
If God has given you the world’s goods in abundance, it is to help you gain those of Heaven and to be a good example of sound teaching to your sons, servants, and relatives. (Abundance Quotes)
The bread of such a nation (living godly) shall be in constant supply. Talking of abundance, provision, prosperity, surplus etc. (Abundance Quotes)
A good meal soothes the soul as it regenerates the body.From the abundance of it flows a benign benevolence. (Abundance Quotes)
Let us be appreciative and grateful for the abundance, beauty, experience, and bliss of life (Abundance Quotes)
When we are truly aware of great abundance in our life, feel grateful and express gratitude for those treasures and beauty, then we are fully living. (Abundance Quotes)
Joy and happiness are the treasures of life and it comes when we appreciate and express gratitude for the abundance of our life. (Abundance Quotes)
It is a great art to have an abundance of knowledge and experience - to know the richness of life, the beauty of existence, the struggles, the miseries, the laughter, the tears - and yet keep your mind very simple; and you can have a simple mind only when you know how to love. (Abundance Quotes)
I’ve been known to turn up drunk at triathlons and do very well. I’m more of a heat-of-the-moment type of guy. A friend will tell me about something coming up, maybe that weekend, and usually not an abundance of thought goes into my doing it. (Abundance Quotes)
Plant seeds of happiness, hope, success, and love; it will all come back to you in abundance. This is the law of nature. (Abundance Quotes)
Jews highly value having an abundance of money for the sake of caring for their families and for helping the needy. (Abundance Quotes)
Stay upbeat and keep your head held high. There is no end to the power of positive thinking. I AM looking forward to all the wealth, success, and abundance speeding my way! (Abundance Quotes)
Repeal the Missouri Compromise - repeal all compromises - repeal the Declaration of Independence - repeal all past history, you still cannot repeal human nature. It will be the abundance of man’s heart that slavery extension is wrong; and out of the abundance of his heart, his mouth will continue to speak. (Abundance Quotes)
An abundance of peer-reviewed science is showing that a whole foods, plant-based diet prevents most heart attacks, strokes, and even many kinds of cancer. It gets you to your ideal weight easily and sustainably, reverses Type 2 diabetes, and even fixes erectile dysfunction (because it greatly improves circulation!). (Abundance Quotes)
The Inexhaustible Resource of Spirit is equal to every demand. There is no reality in lack. Abundance is here and now manifest. (Abundance Quotes)
With every challenge you face, there is an opportunity hidden that will lead you towards the path of wealth and abundance. (Abundance Quotes)
This is an industry [high fashion] that has an abundance of over-confidence. I don’t think anyone would dispute that, and I’m not trying to pick on anybody, but that’s just a fact, right? And sometimes that’s fun. (Abundance Quotes)